Monday, November 14, 2011

Rubber Duckies and Stuff

We have been leaving Izzy out of her crate at night because she was bored, even if we left her toys and things, and her whining wasn't letting us get any sleep.  Now, She keeps us up jumping on the bed, jumping off the bed, jumping on the bed jumping off the bed, jumping on the bed with a squeaker toy, trying to decimate the squeaker toy. Ugh.
At first she will lay there, curled up, all innocent and warm looking. But sometime in the night, she will get bored. and instead of going to the living room where her toys are and playing with them on the couch, she drags them into the bed and wakes us up playing.

I know this is my fault. I let her in the bed. But theres no real way at the moment to train her out of it. We can't shut the door because the cats food and water is in here.
So on Friday, I am buying an extra high baby gate, that has a small cat door built in to it. So she can see me when we sleep (so she won't have a spazz attack) but it will keep her off us, and the bed at night, and she can sleep in her kennel (I'll move it out of the bedroom) or she can sleep on the couch. Hopefully that will fix everything :D

When I took Izzy out to go to the bathroom she ran under some funky bushes and got this sappy crap on her. So I decided to give her a bath. I put a towel on the floor in front of the bath tub, ran the water to a good temperature, and filled the tub about a quarter of the way.
I got Izzy in to the bath room, stood by the tub and called her. She came over half-assed with this kind of "I'm not going in there" attitude. So I rolled up my jeans to me knee, and jumped in. Well that got her to at least come to the tub, she still wouldn't get in. I really wanted to like take the time for her to explore the whole "lets take a bath" scenario, but the water was getting cooler so I just picked her up and put her in.
She thrashed around for a minute before discovering that the bath tub is like being inside a huge water bowl. Then she wanted to play in it. splishy splashy turning in circles, I can't complain it let me soap her up good. she didn't like rinsing, but she put up with it. She toweled off pretty easily and dried pretty quickly too. However the whole experience got her real excited. she started doing lightning fast laps around the apartment and rolling all over/licking everything.

Now she smells like cucumber melon. such a pretty puppy <3

the sleepless nights are somehow manageable when you see her laying on the couch chewing on a rawhide bone that's just about as long a she is. (and also on the couch when she's keeping your feet warm. yeah that too.)


  1. That's pretty much the reason we don't let our dogs sleep with us. There are two of them, though they are about a third of Izzy's size, they still have to jockey for position, then growl when one gets into the other's territory, then Norman has to go patrol, and then he has to jump back up, and the little @#$@%! ALWAYS lands on my ankles when he does! They also cannot be trusted to wander the house on their own as there are neighbors to bark at (and wake us up,) squirrels to bark at (and wake us up,) random hallucinations to bark at (and wake us up,) garbage to get into, rugs to befoul and other plans of world domination to execute without human supervision. They sleep in their kennels, and they can be damned glad that they don't sleep in doghouses in the yard! LOL

  2. well we have a bark collar for her, so she doesn't bark. And the few times I slept in the living room on the couch and she spent the night out there she didn't chew anything or have any accidents. She is just strongly bonded to me, so when I am in the bed she wants to be in the bed, but also doing whatever else she would normally be doing. I am hoping this wears off in the next few months as she gets a little older. The dog and the cats both want to sleep on my husband so they hiss and fight over him and he doesnt get any sleeps. Poor mike :(
