Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October 4th

Tuesday October 4th 7:30 P.M.

Izzy still wants to chew everything from slippers to tables. She's completely through one rawhide. the other is in her crate. She's gone in on her own a few times but when I try to go over to reward he she bolts out. She isn't trying to chew on my arm like a toy anymore. She's trying to chew the carpet on the floor. I'm not sure why, but I guess we'll try some some new sturdier toys since half he toys we bought for her Saturday are destroyed. 

Izzy made a new friend while we were out walking today. Her name is Honda, and she has a similar lab build but is white and brown and gold and red. They played for a few minutes and Izzy didn't seem violent. It's good to see that she can socially interact. She still stalls a lot, and tries to chew her leash. she didn't throw herself down but she did try to jump back a lot.

House Breaking:
Great news! Izzy has learned that if she goes to the door and sits I'll put her leash on and take her out. However, she does this as she fancies, not just when she has to go to the bathroom. She has me running over every few minutes. I can't ignore her because it might be real, and I want to encourage the fact that if she sits there she will be able to go out but damn, who has who trained? So far she hasn't had any accidents. I'll crate her when Mike gets home with food and let her out and go for a walk after and leave her out till bed.

I am trying to get Izzy to eat twice a day, around 6 A.M. and 6 P.M. today is the first day this has succeeded. she was trying to eat cat food so I think she might still be hungry. I am going to up the amount of food I give her a little and see if that helps. I know cat food has far too much sodium in it for dogs so this behavior is being discouraged.

I moved Izzys crate to the living room in hopes that she won't want to mess near her crate and to help expedite her learning that the whole apartment is her den and that she shouldn't mess in it. I know it's not an "Accident" because she can hold all day while I'm at work, why can't she hold it 10 minutes after she eats it? it's just a matter of training I'm sure.


Despite the fact she is a Labrador Retriever, she continues to prove herself a Labrador Observer, she chases thrown toys, looks at them and then leaves them laying. <- not a real assessment, just me being a smart ass.

As a side note she just sat by the door and scratched it like it was the end of the world so I took her out, she took two steps, ran in a circle snapped at a bug and ran back inside. Lovely.

It's going to be a long week.

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